Post by govilku on May 30, 2008 23:03:02 GMT
Learning how to program applications! I also learned html, javascript, and blitz basic. Need Ideas!
Post by therock. on May 31, 2008 12:57:42 GMT
Make it so that pyro goes off during intros!
Post by crimsonbronxs on Jun 1, 2008 12:05:21 GMT
find a way to open this game up so people can add more moves and increase the number of wrestler parts and stuff
Post by Teknoman on Jun 1, 2008 23:33:00 GMT
both of your suggestions are impossible (adding wrestlers parts is easy)... i say this from first hand experience.
well programming is hard... actually is the hardest part of game making...
i suggest you to begin with the basics, this means load a 3d object, make controls to move the camera.
Post by crimsonbronxs on Jun 2, 2008 12:02:25 GMT
I would love to do the camera however I have blitz 3d but can't open the dat files that mpire is in.
I if had the blitz 3d files I could maybe make some modifications to the game ;D
Post by govilku on Jun 2, 2008 14:45:31 GMT
we all would... and you can load the dat files that Mpire is on with some simple code that they tought in the tutorials.
Post by Teknoman on Jun 2, 2008 16:12:38 GMT
To open the .dat files you only need a text editor... window's notepad is enogh, but you cant modify too much 'cause must of the data is stored in hexadecimal format and is really hard (if not impossible) to mod those lines (by findind the correct combination of numbers and letters) without messing up the game.