Post by Teknoman on Jul 5, 2007 19:01:12 GMT
Here are some guide lines you should follow in order to post your mod correctly: 1. THE TOPIC TILEIf your mod is compatible with Wrestling and Booking Encore the tityle should look like this My 3D mod [Encore] If your mod only works with Wrestling Encore and not with Booking Encore (or viceversa) post it like this: My 3D Mod [WEncore] or My 3D Mod [BEncore] <- if only works with Booking Encore This incompatibility issues are mainly due the changes that MD made to body models from version to version. 2. DESCRIPTIONyou can add a small description of your mod 3. THE INGAME SCREENSHOTits important to post an ingame screenshot (By pressing F12 at anytime) so people knows what they are downloading and also ensure that the mod works on the game. you can host it for free on www.imageshack.us/3. INSTRUCTIONShow to install your mod step by step. 4. DOWNLOAD LINKYou can use the host you want but i suggest you one of the followings 1. www.mediafire.com (no expiration of files) 2. www.sendspace.com3. www.loadjet.com4. www.rapidshare.com5. REPLACESThe item or object that your mod will replace. Thats it... please try to follow this instructions.